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PPS Eye Exam and OCT


Eye Examination


Contact Lens Fitting For New Lens Design


Driving Eyesight Report (DLS)


Full Eye Examination and OCT Retinal Scan


Full Eye Examination and Contact Lens Check Up


Eye Exam and OCT and Visual Fields


Visual Field Mapping


O.C.T Retinal Scan


Childrens Eye Exam


Childrens Myopia Control Eye Exam 1st Visit


PPS Eye Exam (Covered if approved under PPS)

HSE (Covered if approved with medial card)

“The eye examination should be the primary focus of every opticians”

For the past 45 years we have dedicated a minimum of 45 minutes to each individual eye examination. Giving this time ensures that we are offering our patients the most detailed and comprehensive eye exam possible.

Our highly trained optometrists use the latest testing room technologies and are up to date with all new treatments for maintaining eye health. We are here to look after your eye health and correct your vision. Giving precise corrections is an art form Gill Opticians has become famous for.


When you come for an eye examination we will screen for:

Internal eye health

  • Narrow Angle Glaucoma/Acute Glaucoma, Open Angle Glaucoma
  • Retinal Health, AMD (Age Related Macular Degeneration)
  • Detached Retina, Macular Holes
  • Retinitis Pigmentosa
  • Intraocular Pressure Check (IOP) for Glaucoma, Health of the Optic Disc
  • Crystalline Lens Transparency/Cataract Development
  • Naevus (freckle) Mapping and Monitoring
  • Where deemed appropriate Gill Opticians monitors conditions but if deemed necessary, by our optometrist we refer the patient to a top Dublin ophthalmologist for treatment.

External eye health

  • Eyelids – conditions such as Ptosis, Entropion, Ectropion, Blepharitis, Conjunctivitis
  • Tear Production, Blocked Tear Ducts, Tear Quality and Dry Eye Syndrome
  • Corneal Health, Corneal Abrasions, Ulcers, Conical Cornea Syndrome
  • Diseases such as Basal Cell Carcinoma (Skin Cancer) and Melanoma
  • Dry Eye Clinic Treatments Advised

Generating the prescription (Refraction)

  • Myopia, Hyperopia, Presbyopia and Accommodation all assessed
  • Family History
  • Medical History
  • Stereopsis (depth of field)
  • Colour Vision (Ishihara Test)


Always ahead of the rest, Gill Opticians has offered OCT as part of our standard eye examination since 2013. OCT is the latest technology developed for Ophthalmologists and Optical practices to aid in the diagnosis and monitoring of visual disturbances and disease.

OCT is capable of scanning beyond the retina giving us a layer by layer cross section of the back of the eye which is important for the diagnosis of macular degeneration and other degenerative diseases such as Glaucoma.


Paul Gill decided to lead a movement towards daily disposable contact lenses
should be worn by all patients where possible. Gill Opticians believes in only offering the best products and service to our patient’s. Due to this mantra we have moved almost all of our clients into the latest daily disposable silicone hydrogel contact lenses.

We specialise in fitting and supplying multifocal contact lenses. These daily disposable lenses offer vision at distance and near and can be a substitute for progressive spectacle wear.

Myopia Control Clinic

In 2021 Gill Opticians opened Ireland’s first Myopia Control Clinic for children. Myopia is estimated to affect half of the world’s population by 2050. If myopia progression is reduced by just <1DS you reduce the risks of macular degeneration, glaucoma and other retinal problems in later life by up to 50%.
“Prevention is better than cure”

In Febuary 2021 HOYA launched the world’s first spectacle lens used to treat myopia in children.
Armed with both treatments aimed at reducing the progression of myopia Gill Opticians launched Ireland’s first myopia control clinic. We have fitted over 100 children with these innovative products and are monitoring their success very closely. For more information – Click Here

In 2017 Coopervision launched the world’s first myopia control treatment with a daily disposable contact lens. Our optometrists completed training and begun fitting these revolutionary lenses immediately. The in-house marked success of this treatment has been incredible. The only drawback to the treatment was the predicament of fitting children with contact lenses. For more information – Click Here


Gill Opticians has been looking after the development of children’s eyesight for 40 years. We examine children from the age of 4 to rule out any potential visual complaints.
Eye complaints such as myopia and hyperopia may not be obvious to a parent and could be mistaken as reduced developmental milestones. A child’s visual pathway is fully developed by the age of 11 and it is therefore very important to catch and treat any visual impairment at its earliest stage. Many eye complaints are hereditary and can skip a generation. If myopia is treated early enough the progression can be greatly reduced with the pioneering treatment of myopia control contact lenses.

Indicators of a childs potential visual impairment include

  • Sitting close to the TV.
  • Rubbing their eyes a lot.
  • Struggling with reading.
  • Lack of attention span in class.
  • Clumsiness or lack of sporting abilities.

If there is any family history of visual problems please contact us by phone on 01 285 3227 to discuss or click here to make an appointment.


Gill Opticians caters for all driving eyesight reports. This 25 minute visual acuity check ensures your standard of vision is up to regulation standards. For a learner permit, the driver must complete this eyesight report and it is stated on the licence whether the driver requires corrective lenses or not to enable the driver to meet the standards required by the state. We have a new Humphrey Visual Field analyser which enables us to issue driving eyesight reports for group 1 category and group 2 category. The following is a list of catagories for which we can complete reports. Category B, BE, W, C, CE, C!, C1E, D, DE, D1, D1E

Click here to make an appointment.